Center for International Agricultural Research for Development

Performances of Perennial Cropping Systems

Last update: 14 May 2014

The development of tropical perennial crops has been mostly based on extension of cultivated land areas at the detriment of natural vegetation stands. This development scheme must be adapted to face the growing pressure on resources and limit the environmental impacts of agricultural activities.

In tropical areas, production systems based on perennial cropping systems are known to largely contribute to powerty alleviation through the integration of rural population into economic exchanges, the stability of rural areas and equilibrium of national economies. Their potential for ecological benefits, such as low chemical inputs or their contribution to natural vegetation recovery, has also been proven. Finally, they contribute at different scales to the construction of territorial and cultural identities, land tenure stability, and rural development.

Web page of UR34 - French

UPR 34 Perennial crops is a SPOP partner

Since 2010, Cécile Bessou has been working at CIRAD within the research unit on perennial cropping systems on the assessment of oil palm environmental impacts, notably on the development and adaptation of the LCA methodology and agri-ecological indicators for the oil palm. Her main research activities, together with the scientists from the Hortsys research unit, cover inclusion of variability of cropping systems, modeling environmental fluxes and perennial cycles within LCA, and harmonization of methods and results comparability.

Personal webpage

Cécile Bessou is a co-coordinator of SPOP
Dr Carron Marc-Philippe, Research Director Diploma (1992), total number of publications in impact factor journals = 35, H-factor = 15
 Recent experience in oil palm - Within an holistic approach of stand nutrition, he initiated a research project designed to assess the impact of recycling organic waste from mills on the comprehensive fertility of soils under this culture - with a particular attention to the biological component. Previously Dr Carron has conducted extensive research on rubber micropropagation - between laboratory and field trials, between France and several Overseas partners in Africa and Asia.
Marc-Philippe Carron

Raphaël Marichal has a Ph.D. in soil ecology and joined CIRAD in October 2013 as a researcher in agro-ecology. He works on agri-environmental indicators for oil palm in the research unit on perennial cropping systems. He will be based in Sumatra in the SMARTRI research centre starting in May 2014.

Personal webpage

Raphaël Marichal
After 5 years working on coffee smallholdings as experimentation officer for a development project in Vanuatu and for a research centre in Guinea, Sylvain joined CIRAD in 1999 to work on oil palm smallholdings at La Dibamba oil palm research station in Cameroon. He did his PhD study on the planting dynamics and management of oil palm smallholdings in order to identify the yield-limiting factors and to understand the reason for practices linked to these limiting factors. Such a dual agronomic approach allowed the adaptation of standard technical advice. Oil palm research partnerships led him to also work in Ivory Coast, Benin, Indonesia and Ecuador. He became thus a specialist of ecological intensification of oil palm smallholdings, focusing mainly on agronomic value of plantations and on long term management by smallholders, and taking into account environmental impacts of practices, economical and social aspect as land access, relationship with agro-industries, small-scale processing.  
Sylvain Rafflegeau

Jean-Pierre Caliman

Last update: 14 May 2014